I am pretty sure that the next government…..if there is a next government… ~ Jonas Gahr Støre
Jeg anbefaler folk å laste ned den videoen fra YouTube, for femtekolonistene kommer garantert til å sørge for at denne kjapt blir slettet! Jonas Gahr Støre fremstår tydeligvis nå så sikker på å få innført sin drøm – verdensregjeringen, at han uttrykker dårlig skjult begeistret usikkerhet om vi overhodet vil få en «neste regjering». Ovensstående video er tydeligvis fra cult-møte på noe som har fått navnet «University of Oslo Commission on Global Governance for Health» Hva de diskutterer i denne «Commission on Global Health» kan du lese om i detaljer her: http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736%2813%2962407-1/fulltext Jeg skal ikke komme inn på innholdet, men generelt bare nevne at her ser vi hvordan Norge (og norske folkesvikende rikspolitikere) er HELT I FRONT med pushe en verdensregjering på oss alle. Dette er arven Gro Harlem Brundtland har etterlatt oss, etter at hun selv ble skatteflyktning.
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” ― Marcus Tullius Cicero
Norges rolle som verdensregjeringspusher NR. 1 fremgår tydelig av avslutningen på overnevnte dokument, som du også kan laste ned som pdf her:
Acknowledgement: The work of the Commission was made possible by unrestricted grants from the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD), the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, the Board of the University of Oslo (Oslo, Norway), and by financial and in-kind support from the Institute of Health and Society and the Centre for Development and the Environment (both at the University of Oslo), and the Harvard Global Health Institute (Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA). The funding bodies had no influence on the direction, progress, writing, or publication of the report. Finances were administered in accordance with Norwegian law, and with full public disclosure. In addition to constructive advice and input, Jeanette H Magnus provided the administrative base and infrastructure for the Commission at the Institute for Health and Society at the University of Oslo. We are grateful to Harald Siem, who played an important part in establishing the Commission and led the Commission’s Secretariat through the project’s first phase, until summer, 2012. Valuable research assistance was provided by Emmanuella Asabor, Lotte Danielsen, Unni Gopinathan, Just Haffeld, Sverre O Lie, Diego Solares, Larissa Stendie, Elina Suzuki, Rosemary Wyber, and Alyssa Yamamoto. We also thank Maren O Kloster for her technical assistance, and Svein Hullstein for his administrative support. We are very thankful for Ron Labonté’s insightful and constructive comments about, and input to, the draft report at various stages. We offer a special thanks to the People’s Health Movement, which contributed with six background papers via an editorial group consisting of Bridget Lloyd, David Sanders, Amit Sengupta, and Hani Serag. The authors of these backgrond papers were Susana Barria, Alexis Benos, Anne-Emanuelle Birn, Chiara Bodini, Eugene Cairncross, Sharon Friel, Sophia Kisting, Elias Kondilis, David Legge, Mariette Liefferink, Baijayanta Mukhopadhyay, Lexi Bambas Nolen, Jagjit Plahe, Farah M Shroff, Angelo Stefanini, Anne-Marie Thow, Pol De Vos, David van Wyk, and Aed Yaghi. Three additional highly useful background papers were developed by David Woodward; Bjørn Skogmo and Sigrun Møgedal; and the Oslo Church City Mission (led by Per Kristian Hilden, with coauthors Christina Marie Brux Mburu, Arnhild Taksdal, Frode Eick, Kari Gran, Hanne Haagenrud, Olav Lægdene, Linnea Näsholm, Anna Olofsson). We also thank Bruce Ross-Larson for his excellent editorial advice; John-Arne Røttingen, who had an important role in the initiation of the project; and Tim Cadman for fruitful discussions. Our special thanks are extended to the Youth Commission on Global Governance for Health, chaired by Unni Gopinathan, for continuous feedback on the Commission’s work, and to the Rockefeller Foundation for hosting the Commission at its centre in Bellagio, Italy. We are also very grateful to Jashodhara Dasgupta and Gertrude I Mongella for hosting Commission meetings in New Delhi, India, and Arusha, Tanzania, which involved invaluable contributions from local civil society actors and national authorities.

Av grafikken de ellers bruker, så ser vi tydelig at «Global Governance for Health» knyttes direkte opp mot FNs’ Globale Biometriske ID System som de i samarbeid med Verdensbanken har tenkt å ta i bruk for å microchippe oss alle sammen. Les her for å forstå bakgrunnen for Biometrisk ID: Maktelitens ultimate slaveriverktøy – Illusjonen om den «juridiske person». Nå må det norske folk VÅKNE OPP!! Les også: DEL 1 – FN’s Agenda 21: Maktelitens prosjekt for innførelse av den GLOBALE fascistiske diktaturstat. Les også: FN’s Agenda 2030 – Rystende FAKTA myndigheter og media holder skjult for befolkningen Les også: Den SKJULTE STORPOLITISKE AGENDA bak flyktningekrisen – og hvorfor dette bør lede til et nytt LANDSSVIKOPPGJØR!
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