Oppegående representanter for menneskeheten har for lengst forstått trusselen fra makteliten som nå arbeider på høygir med totalrasering av selvstendige nasjoner, disses nasjonale suverenitet, forsvarsevne, kulturelle homogenitet, etc. Dette, og mer til, for å fasilitere innføringen av globalistgalningenes planlagte FN-styrte verdensregjering.
Den amerikanske kampsportmester, filmstjerne og patriot Chuck Norris’s sønn – Mike Norris – og medforfatteren Gary Heavin, har skapt filmen AmeriGEDDON som nå har premiære i USA for å tromme opp oppmerksomhet og forsvarsvilje hos patriotiske amerikanere. Filmen tar utgangspunkt i hva som av mange oppfattes som en reell potensiell trussel, nemlig at en globalistisk elite forsøker å ta over verden og USA for å underlegge oss alle sammen en FN-styrt verdensregjering, det såkalte «New World Order».
Målsettningen med filmen er å forhindre dette og i stedet bevare verden fri fra denne psykopate maktelite.
AMERIGEDDON, coming to theaters nationwide May 13, 2016, has been described as “the movie the establishment doesn’t want you to see.” Showing what happens when a not-so-future U.S. government conspires with the United Nations to stage an attack on the energy grid, AMERIGEDDON depicts a country ruled by martial law in which citizens are stripped of their constitutional rights and their guns. A group of patriots fight back and rescue the country from slipping into irreversible chaos.
AMERIGEDDON’s release in an election year is not coincidental. The film illustrates a dystopian future all patriots must guard against and is a call to action to preserve the Second Amendment and stop executive rule by fiat. Director Mike Norris, son of Chuck Norris, asks for like-minded Americans to support the film.
“The fact that a recent poll showed a majority of Americans are enraged with the federal government points to a frenzy of unrest with the dictatorial way in which our country has been run,” said Norris. “My family has long been involved in protecting the rights of Americans. We are concerned about the future and and see this film as a call to action. We urge people to join us in theaters and show Hollywood and politicians that true patriots will fight for their rights and want to see their values represented on-screen.”
A collaboration between Norris and entrepreneur and writer Gary Heavin, AMERIGEDDON seizes on fact-based threats and asks the ultimate question, “What happens when government turns on the people it’s supposed to protect?”
For oss her på berget holder det kanskje å lese et par artikler om emnet, og deretter gå mann av huse og formidle våre egne høykriminelle globalister, grunnlovsbrytere, folkesvikere og landssvikere en CEASE AND DESIST ORDER!!
Les dette dokumentet, og spør deg selv: Hvor mange av disse punktene korresponderer med hva våre norske rikspolitikere har drevet med bak ryggen på det norske folk nå i flere tiår?
Les dokumentet her: https://www.freedomadvocates.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/ASIO-UN-Complaint.pdf
No Federal, State or Local Government have ever publicly released or reported in their financial statements or budgets the amount of money, now in the billions that they have spent in implementing the UN’s Agenda 21 and the Climate Change agenda, over a twenty 23 year period, nor have they informed us of the ongoing costs.
No Federal, State or Local Government has informed their residents or voters about their involvement in the implementation of Agenda 21 over the past 23 years.
No Federal, State or Local Government has allowed their residents or voters a democratic choice or basic human right to vote on whether or not they want Agenda 21 implemented.
Sett i forhold til resten av innholdet i overnevnte dokument, så må en antakelig være rimelig hjernedød om en ikke forstår hvor alvorlig dette er!
Anmeldelser av filmen AmeriGEDDON:
The new movie AmeriGEDDON is a must-see for every red-blooded American patriot that’s concerned about the future of our country. Created by Chuck Norris’ son Mike Norris and Gary Heavin, AmeriGEDDON isn’t just a hard-hitting fictional story about the New World Order takeover: it’s ALL based on fact. And the very real plans of the Globalist to create Order Out of Chaos. As patriots, it is important that we help support key films like AmeriGEDDON. Because when we inject independent films made by liberty lovers into the culture, we reach millions more around the planet. It is essential that we begin to hijack popular entertainment and shift the narrative to preserving freedom and prosperity.
Please show your support by taking the time to watch AmeriGEDDON with friends and family. This film is a powerful tool in the information war to really help wake people up and rally patriots in the cause of freedom and justice.
Amerigeddon opens May 13th in select theaters, go to amerigeddonthemovie.com and remember, you are the resistance!
— Alex Jones // InfoWars
“The new movie, AmeriGEDDON, put out by Mike Norris (son of Chuck Norris) and Gary Heavin, is a must see for every red-blooded American Patriot and Prepper. Every situation that is shown is based on fact. These are very real dangers to be faced by all of us. As awake Americans, it is important that we help to support movies like AmeriGEDDON. Movies are a venue that can reach a segment of the population that other mediums just may not. Please take a stand by taking the time to watch this movie with family and friends. Even if they do not share the same views, it may help to wake them up.
— Jason Van Tatenhove // National Media Director, Oath Keepers
“AmeriGEDDON is an important film, especially considering the current Geo-political climate in America. If you are concerned about Second Amendment rights, personal liberties, or are just wary about the direction this nation is going, you NEED to support this film.
— Dave Carney & Chad Forester // KDWN 720AM Las Vegas
“It is as thrilling and informative as it is terrifying. No movie has captured the essence of the dangers which presently confront the American people with the clarity and detail that Amerigeddon brings to movie audiences.
— Dave Hodges // The Common Sense Show
“I just finished viewing “Amerigeddon” and I must say it used documented facts to substantiate a most probable event in the near future of America. This film is a must view for ALL people who are concerned with the direction our nations is going!! It isn’t pleasant to consider the truths presented in this hard hitting film, nor to think of the potential threats to ourselves and our families may face one day soon, but I strongly urge you to watch this movie and pay heed to its warnings!!
— Pastor Butch Paugh // Call To Decision Ministries // www.pastorbutch.com Internationally syndicated radio talk show host
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